The Dangers of Incest
This Article is purely made in order for people to understand the dangers and adverse of effects of Incest. This was not made to make fun of or target a group of people thank you.
Incest is a problem seen in both humans and animals. It is when people of the same bloodline have children this includes Uncles, Aunts, and cousins. Dangers of this can be seen with certain genetic defects and possible brain altercations. Some of these genetic defects can include blindness, hearing loss, diabetes, and schizophrenia. However, possibly the most well-known are limb or body deformation and albinism. Perhaps the most well-known case of body deformation is from the Habsburg family in Europe. At first being the house of Austria the Habsburgs would slowly increase their influence by taking places such as Spain and having treaties with countries such as Zurichgau, Aargau, and Thurgaur. However, in order to consolidate their power further they decided to inbreed to keep the bloodline literally in the family. Common deformities include an elongated chin, hanging lip and nose, and a sort of hump in their noses. However, the worst part of the matter is that the gene pool had shrunken so much that when Charles II was born he was incredibly disabled.
Albinism, while more commonly found in animals, can still be applied to people as well. This means a possible lighter pigment of the skin, and deficiencies of the eyes. However, this is a great misconception. While many people associate albinism to incest in fact it is more common than you think. If a father and mother carry the recessive albinism trait the child has a 25% of being albino. However, when it comes to animals the reason why albinism is more prominent. The reason being is that as mentioned before in order to get the albinism trait you need to get it from your father and mother. If the gene pool of a certain area is enclosed and individuals of the same bloodline continue to mate the likelihood of having an albino greatly increases. The reason is that the trait slowly spreads at an exponential rate until the species can almost guarantee the albinism trait. However, as mentioned before albinism is not a good trait. Possibly harming the sight and vision of those who suffer from it.